
Jun 26, 2023. 7 min Read

You must have heard about ‘Ruby on Rails' latest release, version v7.0.4.2, in January 2023, and it might have made you wonder what it is. When it comes to building websites, the open-source Ruby on Rails framework has been all the rage. Some people even describe it as amazing! Ultimately, Ruby on Rails is the 16th most popular programming language, with a rating of 0.83%. So, what's the deal with Ruby on Rails, or Rails for short? Beginning with the most recent specifications, this blog will explore the real-world applications of Ruby on Rails. We designed this blog specifically for beginners who have no prior experience with Ruby on Rails. It's crucial to understand programming fundamentals if you want to maximize your learning. We’ll cover some key terminology, give you a bit of background information, and explain how Ruby on Rails functions. By the end of this section, you’ll have a good idea of why Ruby on Rails has become so popular and why it’s considered to be such an intuitive framework.

Why is Ruby on Rails such a Popular Programming Language? 

Well, it’s at the heart of many “Web 2.0” sites that you’re likely using on a daily basis. And one of the reasons why developers love using Rails is because of how easy it is to create applications with it.  

Rails uses a structure called “Convention over Configuration, which basically means that developers don't need to write as much code to get things done. Rails achieves this by enforcing naming conventions across all folders and classes, which drastically reduces the amount of custom code required for configuration.  A built-in system that makes assumptions about how everything should be named and organized thus makes things like gathering data from a form, validating it, saving it to a database, or displaying error messages much easier. 

Despite being simple and easy to use, Rails is also incredibly flexible. It allows developers to create customized applications that meet their unique needs. Because of this, many notable corporations have opted to use Rails, including Amazon, eBay, Basecamp, and Twitter. 

What is Ruby on Rails?

Let’s talk about Ruby on Rails, or just Rails, for short. It’s an open-source framework that helps developers build powerful web applications. Rails is a structure for Ruby-based web application development, not a programming language. 


David Heinemeier Hansson, aka DHH, created Rails in 2004. However, Ruby was developed in 1993, and Rails was developed roughly ten years later, with Ruby as its foundation. Rails can work with various types of servers and databases. It is compatible with the WebBrick server as well as Apache and other servers. Rails utilizes SQLite 3 as its database of choice; however, MYSQL databases can also be used with Rails if desired. 

Rails is based on the model-view-controller design pattern, which separates what the user sees (HTML and presentation) from the controllers, the routing system, and business logic (database queries).

Rails stands out from other web application frameworks in a few ways. 

To begin, Rails asserts that it is the best approach to developing web applications, and many dedicated programmers refuse to even consider alternatives. 

Second, Rails adheres to the "Convention over Configuration" principle, which lessens the burden on developers by enforcing uniformity in the naming of files, directories, and classes. This allows Rails to be simple without losing its flexibility for customization.

Other frameworks use configuration files with tons of settings and controls, making them configuration-based systems. Rails, on the other hand, focuses on naming conventions over configuration, which means there's less tedious and customized work to do. Rails was created for productivity and follows the "don't repeat yourself" (DRY) principle, which eliminates the need for repetitive code.

Finally, Rails runs independently of the web server, and it includes its own web server, WEBrick. You can run a local Rails server on any computer without needing additional software, which is pretty cool. It's no wonder why many developers love using it.

What is the process of Rails?

Rails is a programming framework that treats everything as an object and is very object-oriented. This means that even strings and numbers are treated as objects, and you can call methods on them. For example, the "times" method allows you to run a phrase or string a certain number of times. Rails is also very flexible and allows you to create procedural types of applications.


The Ruby on Rails framework relies on the Ruby programming language. Don't worry if you've never programmed before; Ruby is a very simple language to pick up. It is helpful, though, to have a familiarity with the fundamentals of computer programming, such as variables, functions or methods, conditionals, if statements, and other terms. 

Ruby on Rails makes use of a package manager called RubyGems. It gives you the ability to incorporate snippets of additional programming code known as Gems into your Ruby on Rails website. Rails itself is considered to be a Gem. After installing RubyGems, you can use the Gem's syntax regardless of its name. Gems are similar to modules or plugins in that they can be integrated into an existing program. With the commands "Gem uninstall" and "Gem install," you can manage your Gems. RubyGems is included in the core Ruby 1.9 library.

However, to have a deep understanding about Ruby on Rails and its career choices, you can have a look at the FAQs below. 

Ruby on Rails FAQs 2023

Is Ruby worth learning in 2023? 

While recent data shows that demand for Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers is expected to stay high, Ruby's popularity has declined slightly in recent years. That being said, the popularity of any language can depend on market trends.

Is it difficult to learn Ruby on Rails in 2023?

Now, if you're wondering if Ruby on Rails is difficult to learn, the answer is no! Ruby on Rails is a back-end web application framework that uses a model-view-controller structure and comes with default database, web page, and web service frameworks. It's a great option for creating high-performance web platforms, and its concise code makes it easy to detect and fix errors.

What is Ruby on Rails best used for in 2023?

Ruby on Rails is a popular framework that is widely used for building high-performance web platforms. It is highly versatile and can be used to program a wide range of tasks for web applications. One of the benefits of Ruby on Rails is that it uses a concise amount of code, which makes it easier to detect and fix errors that may arise. 

Is Ruby easier than Python in 2023?

As for whether Ruby is easier than Python, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. While Ruby may be more expressive and suitable for certain types of code, Python's drive for simplicity makes it a versatile language that can be used in many ways similar to Ruby.


If you are perhaps thinking of developing software that is based on Ruby on Rails, Visnext Software Solutions has some of the best Ruby on Rails developers. We can provide you with incomparable and essential details to help you run transcendent software systems and can help you build them too.

Thanks for reading

Tags: Ruby on rails Rails Ruby software language programming language programming web development

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